Dues & Budget

Current HOA Annual Assessments are $150.00 per year due January 31st of each year.


A Late fee of $20 will be assessed starting April 1st. After May 1,  collections will be turn over to an Attorney for lien placement. Homeowner are responsible for all cost associated with collections of the assessment per the Restrictive Covenants.


Checks can be made out to:

Creekside Village Homeowners Assocation, Inc.

C/O Southeast Property Management

P.O. Box 12751

New Bern, NC 28562


Or dropped off at Southeast Property Management, 1269 Colony Drive (Colony Trade Center), New Bern. There is a 24 hour drop off slot at that location.


ONLINE PAYMENT is available by contacting Southeast Property Management for a personalized link. Processing Fee will apply.


Please contact Southeast Properties with any questions regarding payments at (252) 242-4848 or southeastpm1@gmail.com

Budget: Many have asked the question, "What is my money going towards?" So here is a brief review of how your money is spent.

There are landscaping and mowing fees paid for eight months out of the year. This includes the front entrance to our neighborhood and all common areas. These areas consist of the land behind the first few homes on Joshua Norman and Robbie Lane that back up to the creek, the front area around the signs including the ditches, the parcel between the road and the creek as you from the 100 block to the 300 block of Conner Grant and the area around the retention pond at the corner of Adell and Conner Grant.

We are responsible for the upkeep of the wetlands and two ponds and by law must have them inspected and maintained. We have employed a pond maintenance staff to perform pond inspections and maintenance.

There is also an insurance policy (for liability) that is paid each year. Insurance is the general liability we maintain on the common areas should a claim arise from injury on our common area land and a policy for the Board of Directors. It is required by NC laws.

The Website expense is for the website you're viewing here. The expense is for the hosting fees.

We also employ a Property Management Company which is handling our day to day legal, financial, and property requirements.

Association Manager:

Southeast Property Management

P.O. Box 12751

1269 Colony Drive

New Bern, NC 28562

Hours: By Appointment Only

Phone: (252) 242-4848

Email: southeastpm1@gmail.com


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