What are the Covenants?


Declaration of Covenants of Creekside Village is the legal document that lays out the guidelines for our planned community. The Covenants are recorded in the county records in the county where the property is located and are legally binding.


This means that when you purchase a lot or a home in our community, you automatically become a member of the HOA. Basically, the Covenants are the rules of our neighborhood. They govern what you can, cannot, or must do with respect to your home. This is why it is important for homeowners or their designated representative to attend the HOA meetings when votes are being held concerning the Covenants.


Every homeowner should have received a copy of the Covenants when they closed on their home. Homeowners should provide their tenants with a copy as well. If you did not receive a copy, you can download a copy under the scanned covenant files tab.


Rules & Regulations Summary         Updated 12/2020


This summary includes the most frequently referenced regulations. Homeowners should refer to the Bylaws and Covenants with questions regarding any issues not covered in this summary or contact the property manager or a member of the Board of Directors. Homeowners are responsible for their tenants and guest. The homeowner and/or resident are responsible for any damages caused to the common grounds. Lots are zoned for single family residential purposes. No business or commercial enterprise may be carried out upon the premises.


Exterior Changes and Outbuildings: All exterior changes or additions must be approved in writing by the Architectural Committee to include exterior storage and painting. No pre-fabricated buildings or structures composed in part or whole of metal, tin, or aluminum shall be allowed. The exterior of the dwelling must be kept in good repair at all times. No structure of a temporary nature shall be erected on a lot.


Fencing: All new or replacement fencing requires approval by the Architectural Committee. Fences shall not be more than 6 feet high and may not be made of chain link.


Satellite Dishes: No outside radio-TV antennas or satellite dishes may be erected on a lot without prior approval from the Architectural committee. Any such addition must be shielded from sight by placing them on the side or back of the home or yard.


Vehicles: Only automobiles, pick-up trucks or vans of a three-quarter ton or smaller and motorcycles allowed. All vehicles must be registered and inspected. No parking or driving on the grass in common areas.


Trailers: No trailers, campers, mobile homes, or temporary homes may be placed on a lot.


Pets: No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be kept or bred. A limit of 2 dogs per household. All city regulations must also be followed to include waste disposal, leash laws, noise ordinance, and rabies vaccinations.


Trash: All trash and recycling bins must be kept out of view. No trash, ashes, garbage, or other refuse shall be stored, dumped, or accumulated on the exterior of any dwelling. No burning of refuse allowed.


Exterior storage:  No items shall be placed or stored on the exterior of a dwelling without the prior written consent of the committee.


Signage: Signs are not permitted, except for standard rent/for sale and political signs not to exceed 6 Sq. Ft. Political signs must follow the City of New Bern ordinances.




Creekside Village Homeowners Association, Inc, a non-profit corporation, was formed on February 24, 2004, by the developer, Gene Dunn Construction Company of New Bern, Inc., which encompassed Creekside Village One-A. An Amendment to the original covenants was created to add Creekside Village One-B on May 5, 2004. A year later on August 15, 2005, Section Two was added to the master declaration of covenants. All phases are complete and there are a total of 111 homes within the subdivison.


Mission Statement

The Creekside Village Homeowners Association Board is an organization that strives to maintain the aesthetic beauty and functional value of property within Creekside Village: that will continue to improve while being sensitive to dues increases, that makes informed decisions representative of the majority interest, and that focuses on maintaining an active and cohesive community environment.

The goal of this website is to better serve our members by keeping them informed of Association rules, regulations and membership, to be a resource for information about our community, to provide news and announcements of local events, and provide our members the opportunity to have an active role in our community.

Board Members:


Jason Maxey: Board of Directors' Chairman & Office of Treasurer

Board of Directors' Vice Chairman (Position Open - Election Jan. 6 Meeting)

Angela Desmond: Board Member & Office of President

Kevin Wood: Office of Vice President

Kelly McGroder: Board Member & Office of Secretary


We all have special talents. You do not have to become a board member to contribute to our community. We could always use help with newsletters, social media, or event planning.  We do have board and architectural committee positions available. Volunteers make our neighborhood a peaceful place to live! 

If you would like to serve our neighborhood by volunteering, please:
Use the contact form found on the Contact page or contact

Southeast Property Management at (252) 242-4848.


Notice of Right of Voluntary Mediat


Pursuant to Section 7A-38.3F of the North Carolina General Statutes, all members are hereby informed that you have a right to initiate mediation pursuant to the terms of the statute to try to resolve a dispute with the Association.  Both the homeowner and the Association must agree to mediate the dispute, and each side is responsible for splitting the cost of the mediation, including payment of a professional mediator.  The mediation process is an opportunity to reach an agreement to resolve a dispute – neither side gives up their right to go to court to have a judge resolve the dispute if the parties are not able to reach an agreement through mediation.  The specific process to initiate voluntary mediation is outlined in Section 7A-38.3F of the North Carolina General Statutes.

Association Manager:

Southeast Property Management

P.O. Box 12751

1269 Colony Drive

New Bern, NC 28562

Hours: By Appointment Only

Phone: (252) 242-4848

Email: southeastpm1@gmail.com


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